include a profile of the public we are targeting, the buyer person . Keep in mind that the same company may have different customer profiles depending on its range of products and services. 3) Study the competition A sales plan would not be complete Clipping Path without an analysis of your competitors . What are your strengths and weaknesses? How does their offer compare to yours? What are the global market trends? A tool that can be very useful in this section is the SWOT analysis, both of your competitors and of your own company. This way you can define precisely what your positioning is. 4) Analyze your team In order to set realistic goals, it is essential to know what resources we have.
And without a doubt, the most important resource is the staff . How many sales agents do you have? What has been your average performance so far? What other professionals are part of your sales team? If you plan to add to your workforce this year, include what roles you plan to add and when they will join your company. 5) Analyze your resources In addition to the staff, you should also take into account other essential resources for sales work, such as: CRM software and other technologies. Contact channels with potential customers and resources available to them
(for example, call center or email marketing management software). Documentation available on processes and technologies. Training scheduled for next year. Budget available for advertising and types of campaigns planned. 6) Set your goals There are different ways to set the goals of a sales plan, for example, the total revenue figure, the number of new customers or the units sold throughout the year. Sales goals should be in line with your company's overall goals , for example becoming the leader in a certain sub-sector or expanding your presence into new markets.